Access North Logo Communities We Serve
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About the Minnesota Communities We Serve

map of ten counties that CILNM serves

Please click on map to enlarge.

Access North serves the ten counties of ...
Aitkin, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Pine, and St. Louis.

County of Residence of Consumers Served

chart of consumers served by county

Please click on chart to enlarge.

For a text description of this chart, please click the link below:
Text Description of Consumers by County Chart

Disability of Consumers Served

chart of disability of consumers served by county

Please click on chart to enlarge.

For a text description of this chart, please click the link below:
Text Description of Consumers' Types of Disabilities Chart

Direct Services Provided to Consumers Served

chart of services provided to consumers

Please click on chart to enlarge.

For a text description of this chart, please click the link below:
Text Description of Direct Services Provided to Consumers Chart

Ages of Consumers Served

chart of consumers ages

Please click on chart to enlarge.

For a text description of this chart, please click the link below:
Text Description of Consumer Age Range Chart

Gender of Consumers Served

chart of consumers gender

Please click on chart to enlarge.

For a text description of this chart, please click the link below:
Text Description of Consumer Gender Chart.

Race and Ethnicity of Consumers Served

chart of race and ethnicity of consumers served

Please click on chart to enlarge.

For a text description of this chart, please click the link below:
Text Description of Consumer Race and Ethnicity Chart.

To learn more about national statistics concerning disabilities, click the link below.
National Statistics Concerning Disabilities